Arctic P533 Racing

Arctic P533 Racing Stereo Headset

Performance and Conclusion


Before we discuss any performance considerations it must be noted that audio performance can be quite subjective to each individual. Hence the Arctic P533 Racing was tested by a few other reviewers at Technoyard and their collective opinions are reflected here. Our testing method involved having each user having the P533 Racing as their daily companion when listening to music or playing games.

Since the headset via 3.5mm stereo jack no separate software is required to get things running out of the box. The overall build quality of the P533 headset is very good and our only criticism would be the exposed wire for the mic which can go either way depending on the user’s taste. Our personal preference would be if  Arctic actually ran this cable internally which would also reduce friction between the boom mic hinge which could cause issues in the long run.

Low Range

A common consensus was the lack of that oomph factor when it comes to the low end frequencies produced by the headset. Since the Arctic P533 Racing uses a 40mm driver could be the main reason for this, unlike some of the higher end devices using a 50mm driver. Certain battle sequences in games or movies lacked depth and clarity you’d expect from an explosion or gun fire.

High and mid range

High and mid range frequencies were well reproduced and it’s certainly one of the stronger points of this headset. It was easy to keep a conversation going with clarity while you were in the middle of a gameplay and voices were crystal clear and the mids were punchy when needed. Higher frequencies were also well reproduced and didn’t dominate over any of the other frequencies.

Even though the P533 Racing didn’t do too well on the lower frequencies, the overall mix produced by the headset was pretty impressive. The Arctic P533 is primarily targeted as a gaming headset and not so much for music and it’s something to keep in mind.  We did still enjoy listening to music over the headset and depending on the genre of music you listen to, the lack of deep bass may not be an issue at all.


While audio reproduction of the Arctic P533 Racing remains above average, one of the key factors that would keep me using the headset above other high end headsets is its comfort factor. The memory foam used seem to really do its job well and even after hours of usage you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable by any means. The headset design fits perfectly into your head and the ear cushions are designed for a perfect fit. While choosing a headset its performance is certainly important and equally so is the comfort factor. There have been so many instances where I have had to let go of high end headsets since it’s virtually impossible to wear for too long.

Given that an average game play can last a couple of hours, it’s certainly great to see Arctic putting in a lot of effort to ensure the headset remains comfortable for the user for long periods.

Arctic have recently reduced the price of their P533 range from US$79.99 to US$49.99 which makes it an even better compelling reason to opt for one. Overall it’s a well rounded product without any flashy bells and whistles and you’d certainly enjoy the headset given the minor caveats we encountered.

Arctic P533 Racing headset


Sound Quality


Build Quality







  • Sound Quality
  • Build Quality
  • Price
  • Design


  • Average Bass Performance

Arctic P533 Racing headset


Sound Quality


Build Quality







  • Sound Quality
  • Build Quality
  • Price
  • Design


  • Average Bass Performance
Our Score


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