Raijintek PALLAS

Raijintek PALLAS Low Profile CPU Cooler

Raijintek PALLAS: In Detail

Keeping up with their usual standards, the retail box for the PALLAS is of very high quality giving as much detail as possible to the buyer.

Raijintek PALLAS

Raijintek PALLAS

The PALLAS weighs in around 420g and opening up the box you’re welcomed with a view of the 14013 PWM Fan, and the PALLAS along with the accessory kit rests neatly tucked underneath at the bottom of the box. The accessories provided with the Raijintek PALLAS is identical to that offered with the TISIS cooler we reviewed recently.

Cooling Fan

Raijintek have included at 13mm thick 140 x 150 (W x H) PWM controlled fan capable of 650-1400RPM with a maximum airflow of 56.55CFM.  The flat fan design has allowed Raijintek to have some extra flexibility with the cooler dimensions while not compromising on performance. Maintaining its 58mm height they have been able to add extra surface area to the cooler theoretically improving its efficiency. The fan covers the full area of the cooler guaranteeing the whole surface is being cooled. One aspect to improve would be to have rubber fan mounts instead of the included fan clips like Raijintek did with the TISIS.

Raijintek PALLAS

Raijintek PALLAS

Raijintek PALLAS Cooler

Being a low profile cooler, the PALLAS bears a short footprint of 68mm tall and 153 x 150 (W x D). With HTPC’s and other small form factor PCs size does matter, and in this instance smaller the better. Couple this with a weight of approx 420grams the PALLAS is designed perfectly for HTPCs.

Raijintek PALLAS

The PALLAS comes with 6 x 6mm heat pipes to dissipate the heat effectively from the nickle platted copper base. The heat pipes are slightly larger in comparison to the 5mm ones on the TISIS. To retain the low profile status of the cooler, the heat pipes bend 180 degrees soon after passing the cooler base and move onto the cooling fins.

Raijintek PALLAS


A common problem we face with low profile coolers is space within the already cramped up casings. Knowing this issue, Raijintek have designed the PALLAS to ensure maximum compatibility with motherboards. They have increased the thickness of the cooling fins towards the center of the cooler surrounding the CPU base area and reduced the thickness towards the outer ends of the cooler. This will certainly increase the chances of installing the PALLAS onto mainboards without any serious issue.

Raijintek PALLAS


Similar to the Raijintek TISIS, the PALLAS has a very similar mounting mechanism. Only tool you will need is a flower head screwdriver, preferably with a magnetic tip since you’ll be working in cramped corners. Due to the size, certain motherboards will have issues with hitting a memory module/PCI-E slot or some pesky capacitor, however Raijintek have taken measures to ensure maximum compatibility with the design of the PALLAS.

Raijintek PALLAS

This is the same sentiment we had with the TISIS due to the extra size of these coolers, so just be mindful before your purchase. That said we tested the PALLAS on few of the mainboards in-house and didn’t have any issues with installing the cooler. Once you have the baseplate installed correctly, fixing the PALLAS was no big deal. Lastly you need to install the cooling fan. The Fan installation would have been much easier if Raijintek included rubber mounts however.

Raijintek PALLAS

Raijintek PALLAS









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