Hercules All In Wonder Radeon 8500DV

The ATI input adapter box and Remote

The new input adapter box is no larger than the ones that came in the older models, however this one not only includes a FireWire connector, it also has input and output connectors.

Taking a close look at the unit, the box features a s-video input, RCA audio and video inputs and as mentioned before, the second FireWire input port.

As for the output connectors on the other side, it includes a S/PDIF digital-out, s-video output, and RCA audio and video outputs.

The Remote

What’s unique with this remote and most remotes by competitor products is that, this remote works on RF frequencies rather than infra red light. As a result you do need to be on line of sight for the remote to work. Furthermore infra red remotes work only around a distance of 3-5 feet where as Hercules claims that this new remote will work up to 40-50 feet depending on the level of obstructions.

The USB RF receiver is quite small and can be easily hidden away if required. The remote has all the functionality needed and it has a very cool look to it as well. The only minor issue I had with the remote was the center multi directional pad. It just felt a bit too flimsy and needed some getting used to moving the cursor around. As for the buttons of the remote, it’s pretty much self explanatory. Just remember you’ll need four AAA batteries to operate the remote.

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