VOS 32 CPU Cooler

We fitted our sample VOS32 provided by CoolerGuys into a decased Pentium II 400. Then we overclocked the processor to deduce the over all affectivity of the VOS32 as an overclockers cooler. We first disabled all case coolers fitted on to our standard ATX casing armed with a 300W power supply. The VOS 32 was the only cooler running during all our Tests.


System Specs

  • Processor : Pentium II 400 MHz
  • Mother Board : Soyo 6BA 100 +
  • Standard ATX Casing with no inlet or exhaust fans

Temperature was measured using the Hardware Doctor Utility provided with the Motherboard. The Processor was allowed to run 30 minutes in a specified speed before a temperature reading was taken. The mean values are represented

As you might see even when overclocked the temperatures stayed relatively low. You might be interested in knowing that a stable overclocking of 400@500MHz was not possible with the OEM cooler with all case coolers in action, which displays how effective the VOS32 really is.


  • It’s simply an excellent cooler quite suited for Overlocking
  • Innovative & Very Effective


  • Might not fit all Motherboards
  • Quite noisy


Well this is one case where first impressions held to the end. The VOS32 is a very effective and innovative cooler well suited for over clocking. It will certainly help Global Win gain lost market share to its competitors. The only con as far as I’m concerned is the noise factor but for Hard Core Overclockers that is no big problem, just a slight irritation. I will certainly recommend it to any bloke who is planning on over clocking his processor provided the VOS32 fits in. Just take a lot of precautions when installing the cooler as not to damage the processor in the process. So thumbs up Global Win for a job well done.

Our Score

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