SOYO 6BA+100 Motherboard

Test Systems


System 1

CPU Pentium III 450MHz
Motherboard 6BA+100
Memory Mushkin 128MB High Performance PC 133 Rev 3
Hard drive

Diamond Max Plus 45GB

Diamond Max VL 40GB

Video card nVidia GeForce 2 GTS


System 2

CPU Intel Pentium 550E
Motherboard 6BA+100
Memory 128MB PC133 Corsair memory
Hard drive

Diamond Max Plus 45GB

Diamond Max VL 40GB

Video card nVidia GeForce 2 GTS


System 3

CPU Pentium III 933MHz
Motherboard 6BA+100
Memory 128MB Mushkin PC 133 RAM
Hard drive

Diamond Max Plus 45GB

Diamond Max VL 40GB

Video card nVidia GeForce 2 GTS


System 4

CPU Celeron 333MHz
Motherboard 6BA+100
Memory 128MB Mushkin PC 133 RAM
Hard drive

Diamond Max Plus 45GB

Diamond Max VL 40GB

Video card nVidia GeForce 2 GTS


Memory Bandwidth Benchmarks:

Please note in the above tests, when a Single drive was used the Diamond Max Plus 45 GB drive was used.


Our Score

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