DTS-400 Duron / Thunderbird Shim


One might wonder, whether this is an article pertaining to some type of a metal substance. Apparently, you haven’t got that wrong over there… However, is this about a computer apparatus? Yes, this is definitely a computer apparatus, but it is devised by one of the earth’s richest metal substances, Copper! So let us first identify the scientific insight and usefulness of copper, and see how far the device shaped out of it could add-value to your expensive AMD processor.

  • How useful is Copper?

Copper is one of the oldest metal substances which man used to unearth. Hence, Copper mining dates back to more than 5000 years. Copper is extensively used in building construction, telecommunication cables (wires). Thus, what’s more our coins (US) too are products of Copper. This substance is bendy and pliable. Nevertheless, scientists have identified Copper to be the second best conductor of heat and electrical energy. (Apparently, the best is Silver, which is relatively high on cost consideration) In addition, Copper is promptly available commercially, at quite affordable rates, and the bendy and pliable nature, entice manufactures to use more of it in mechanical apparatus, effectively.

  • Scientific Insight of Copper
Color -Reddish metal
Scientific symbol -Cu


Product Analysis

The Copper Shims, for AMD Duron/Thunderbird processors, which we received (apparently, a generous amount for our giveaway) are devised uniquely with an exquisite touch to safe- guard the relevant processors concerned.

The reddish colored Copper Shim’s core is strategically drilled to match the Duron/Thunderbird to contain all of their processors. It even has holes drilled out for the pads of the processor as well.

The prevailing global economic slowdown has persuaded the leading chip manufactures to cut down on their respective production unit costs. This is in the view of gaining market share through cost leadership strategies. AMD is no exception! It is diverting most of their processors back to the Pin Grid Array (PGA) architecture from SLOT architecture. This doesn’t come without any compromise. Hence, the processor slug is quite small in size causing horrendous difficulties when trying to mount heatsinks with adequate physical contact. Changing the heatsink base and increasing the potency of the heatsink clip were amongst the solutions provided by major heatsink manufactures. However, these changes haven’t managed to eliminate totally the risk of damaging the processor from this quick-fix strategy. In addition the high clip pressure generates enormous amount of strain on the processor slug, leaving it a potential candidate for damaging the processor. This aspect comes to the scene especially during the endeavor of addition and removal of the heatsink from the processor. The blame is the new “improved” PGA architecture developed by the chip manufacture! The flaw is quite apparent but we have got to live with it!

The solution, Copper Shims! You could protect the high end AMD processor without any unfortunate miss haps, simply by flanking the processor with an AMD Duron/Tunderbird Copper shim. It’s so simple as that… No worries what so ever. ..

Hence, during the process of installation or removal of the heatsink, the copper shim will absorb the extra leverage, protecting the Chip from any potential damage.

The Test

I carefully placed the DTS-400 between the AMD Thunderbird 750 processor and the heatsink. Eureka! an amazing 2-4° F reduction in processor temperature. I didn’t expect this thin piece of copper to be so perfect.

In addition, the cutout gaps of the shim perfectly holds the shim intact with in its intended scope, leaving the base of the processor on its own.

Pro’s & Con’s


  • Reduction in processor temperature
  • Protects the processor from damage
  • Swift & hassle free fixing process
  • Easy availability


  • Slightly high cost.


Mind you, I am still thrilled with the splendid testing parameters detected during the trial session. A great deal of heat reduction as apparent, given the small nature of the device. This is in addition to the splendid flanking support offered between the main-man, Thunderbird 750 and the heatsink.

The AMD Duron/Thunderbird users…. this is a must buy for all you folks, believe me there will be no regrets.. what so ever..

Our Score

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