Diamond Rio 600 MP3 Player

The File transfer process between the PC and the Rio 600 was really swift. However, when uploading the player, I could only accommodate 60 minutes of audio music (i.e. 64 Kbit on WMA format) due to its memory capacity. The consideration of the ear buds is a very subjective issue, for me the Rio 600’s pair was a big improvement to its predecessor. (We hated the Koss headphones on the Rio 500)The comfort on the ear, allowed me to do stretched sessions without any discomfort. Especially when working out and jogging. But yet, there’s ample scope for Diamond/S3 to improve it further. And I hope they would!


Therefore, to check this product’s real potential I hooked it up to my MidLand 8200 speaker system. Apparently, I evaluate most of the MP3 players on this system. What’s more, for me the performance was simply exquisite. Herein, I played some aesthetic Yanni opera tracks, which featured a pleasant instrumental background comprising of Guitars, Violins, Pianos, Saxophones and Drums. The outcome was terrific. The WindowsMedia 64Kbit files executed equivalent to 128Kbit MP3 files. Hence, evaluating from what I have heard on PC MP3 software and other portable MP3 players, with confidence I could say that this product is as good as playing MP3s on Winamp blasting through my MidLand 8200 speakers. It sounded just as Winamp did when it played the MP3s straight through the Hard Drive. The EQ settings were extremely neat…without any background disturbances what so ever…. Unlike the Rio 500, which experienced, minor hick ups.

Nonetheless, the way that the battery is allied to the back cover didn’t appeal to me much. It was slightly awkward to snap the cover back, with my fingers. However this may not be an issue for other users. In addition, initially I felt a bit uncomfortable in handling the menu control functions as well, which too, was awkwardly placed. However, gradually I got used to it.

Our Score

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