Diamond Rio 600 MP3 Player

The Rio 600 weighing approximately 2.4 ounces and comes with a standard set of earphones, an AA alkaline battery, a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable, the Rio Audio Manager Software, and a user manual.


I am extremely impressed with this Players processor and software competencies, which facilitate a speedy track-seek capability. This was evident when I rigorously skipped from track to track for the Rio 600 to respond to my pace, and amazingly it performed much better than its predecessor the Rio 500. Thus out performed most of the other MP3 players considerably.

The Rio 600 has the best EQ settings option I’ve ever come across in a MP3 Audio Player ever! There are seven (7) EQ settings, which could be accessed through the main menu system, and adjusted using the control panel. One of the unique features of this EQ system is that you don’t have to actually choose individual settings separately to grasp its effect. Hence, as you progress from setting to setting, you could listen to that EQ setting take effect. This is simply amazing! In addition, you could also change the Bass and treble settings via the EQ menu using a custom option.

Moreover, the Player’s LCD display unit and some of the functionalities remains more or less the same as the former version, the Rio 500. Hence, the backlight utilizes a macrobiotic blue EL light, by far and large it’s simply alluring. Thus, the miniature LCD screen is capable enough of turning out exquisitely clear characters. On the upper half of the LCD screen the song title is displayed and for this purpose you have the flexibility to use up to 20 characters. Yet there’s more juice in it…. underneath the title you could find the artist name, Album name, file type, bit rate, and track extent. Further below there’s the track number, total number of tracks, Volume indicator and time worn. On the top most of the player an icon indicates whether you are on repeat or random play modes.

Amazingly, a single AA alkaline battery powers all the above-mentioned features and hence provides you with an approximately 10 hours of ear sweetening MP3 audio music. (The manual says 11.5) However, I haven’t yet touched the 10-hour mark, and still waving around the 9 a half Hour mark. I’m probably not reaching this because I play around with it too much. But still it’s more or less a very impressive performance and I didn’t expect it to be that good.

Our Score

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